Einstein Domes
An iconic symbol of our planet is ripe for prime time
November 2023
PDF, 2 pages, 116 KB
A Lifetime in Logic and Philosophy
Pages 51−64 in:
Pomiędzy folklorem a folkloryzmem
Publikacja z okazji jubileuszu 55-lecia pracy naukowej prof. dr hab. Violetty Krawczyk-Wasilewskiej
Uniwersytet Łódzki 2023
PDF, 14 pages, 262 KB
Folly and Fate in Brexit Britain
August 2022
Paperback, 6" × 9", 445 pages
ISBN 979-8-8274-8750-0
The new science of the Cosmos
July 2019
PDF, 22 pages, 532 KB
The Great Reboot
Science and the new case for sustainable governance
June 2019
PDF, 12 pages, 7500 words, 346 KB
The UK should resile from its decision to leave the EU
May 2019
PDF, 10 pages, 330 KB
Brexit and Democracy
March 2019
PDF: 2 pages, 185 KB
The story of how President Putin builds on Brexit to rule the world
December 2018
PDF: 7 pages, 392 KB
New York at its showy best
Review of The Vanity Fair Diaries by Tina Brown
December 2018
PDF: 1 page, 209 KB
Earthmind Explosion
How artificial intelligence will transform the future of life on Earth
December 2018
PDF: 7 pages, 314 KB
How Vladimir Putin defeated U.S. democracy
October 2018
PDF: 10 pages, 130 KB
Fortress Europe
Are immigration and Islam killing Europe?
August 2018
PDF: 10 pages, 144 KB
What Would Winston Do?
A review of Boris Johnson on Winston Churchill
July 2018
PDF: 9 pages, 142 KB
Amazon Book Reviews
From April 2009 onward
My page
Britizen Jon
A Tragedy in Three Parts Rover, 2017
Paperback, 12.8 cm x 19.6 cm, 160 pages
ISBN 978-1-9761-7588-6
The Prophet of Posthumanism
Review of two books by Yuval Harari 2016-10-12 (corr. 2016-11-22)
PDF: 10 pages, 139 KB
Folklore in the Digital Age
Violetta Krawczyk-Wasilewska Foreword by Andy Ross Lodz University Press / Jagiellonian University Press
150 pages, 2016
UK Sovereignty
Note rebutting a poor argument for Brexit 2016-10-24
PDF: 2 pages, 57 KB
The Messenger of Monotheism
Review of two books by Kader Abdolah 2016-09-21
PDF: 8 pages, 98 KB
European Union: I Love EU
Speech delivered during an EU referendum debate held in Poole on 19 May 2016 2016-05-21
PDF: 2 pages, 75 KB
European Union: A Better View
Opinion piece presenting a new argument to keep the UK in the EU 2016-02-01
PDF: 2 pages, 82 KB
Teen romance as fairy tale? We have a winner!
Review of "The Changeling" by Helen Falconer 2015-06-29
PDF: 1 page, 57 KB
The Great Recession
Review of "The Shifts and the Shocks" by Martin Wolf 2015-05-28
PDF: 4 pages, 40 KB
We should encourage more houseboats in Poole Harbour
Harbour Times, Issue 7, 52-53, February 2015
PDF: 1 page, 911 KB
Review of "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Harari 2014-09-29
PDF: 1 page, 61 KB
On Genocide
Review of "The Zone of Interest" by Martin Amis 2014-09-07
PDF: 2 pages, 69 KB
Rising Star
Review of "Rising Tides" 2014-05-29 PDF: 3 pages, 82 KB
On War
Review of "War: What is it good for?" by Ian Morris 2014-04-25
PDF: 2 pages, 74 KB
Toward a Science of Morality
A note for Sam Harris
2014-02-07 PDF: 2 pages, 51 KB
The Answer
My answer is not 42 but V
PDF: 8 pages, 211 KB
Royal Opera House, Live in Cinema, 18 December 2013
A personal review by Andy Ross
PDF: 2 pages, 115 KB
Royal Opera House, Live in Cinema, 18 December 2013
Unauthorized introduction by Andy Ross
PDF: 2 pages, 117 KB
Globorg: The Emerging Global Organism
Transformations 3-4 (78-79) 2013, 199-216
A review in terms of spiral dynamics is offered of the growth in the history of civilization of a hypothetical global organism that the author calls
Globorg. The anthropology, biology, cognitive science, dynamics, economics, and philosophy of this process are traced far enough to sketch a unified
account of the roots of Globorg that may serve to motivate further interdisciplinary work on the long-term trajectory of life on Earth.
PDF Preprint: 16 pages 175 KB
Cars: A Rant
August 2013
PDF: 4 pages, 432 KB
The Next Twist of Fate Rover, 2013
Paperback, 12.8 cm x 19.6 cm, 300 pages
ISBN 978 148234223 9
Shaping Virtual Lives
Online Identities, Representations, and Conducts
Edited by Violetta Krawczyk-Wasilewska, Theo Meder, and Andy Ross
Lodz University Press, 2012 Softcover, 148 pages
ISBN 978-83-7525-671-0
Selected papers from a panel session on virtual lives held at the 10th
Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF)
17–21 April 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
Birth of a New God A Novel
Rover edition 2012 with the text of the 1996 edition
Paperback, 15.6 cm x 23.4 cm, 432 pages
ISBN 978 147014644 3
We are not alone. And we are not the end of the line. Aliens from other star systems will find us one day.
And our own machines will one day overtake us. Or both — at once.
Jon Christie knew this. Androids and aliens didn't faze a computer jock with a CIA past. But even he was
unprepared for the sudden, combined impact of these threats when he traveled to Japan in the summer of 2013.
First published in a limited private edition in 1996, this novel became a cult classic for a select group of fans
and has been hard to find ever since. Now, just in time, here it is again.
A Memoir
Rover, 2012, paperback, 15.6 cm x 23.4 cm, 496 pages
ISBN 978 146647993 7
Andy Ross became a well trained philosopher but he kept asking why. It took him years to find out. As a baby boomer
his soul was more seared than he expected by the wars of the twentieth century and their bitter aftermath in Britain.
He found a way forward in a move to Germany and a new life of service to science and technology.
Gradually, over decades of patient work as well as failed love affairs and times of redemptive clarity, Andy worked out
a set of answers to his questions that have universal scope and significance. He has forged a radical new philosophy.
Its impact on his personal life has resulted in an often dramatic and finally moving human story.
Matchmaking Through Avatars: Social Aspects of Online Dating
By Violetta Krawczyk-Wasilewska and Andrew Ross Paper delivered on the
panel Shaping virtual lives: identities on the Internet, during 10th
Congress of the Société International d'Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF),
Lisbon, April 17-21, 2011
PDF: 10 pages, 621 KB
Online dating and gaming with avatars have merged in the new phenomenon of
avatar dating. Since online dating is a big and growing industry, gaming
technology is still advancing rapidly, and avatar dating is popular with
young players, the phenomenon is likely to grow in importance in future.
This paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of this new form of
dating and relates the findings to previous work in social psychology.
Interviewing Andy Ross By Ivy Cross (a.k.a. Andy Ross) The Ross Blog, January 2011
PDF: 38 pages, 2.3 MB
Cars replaced horses last century, robots replace humans this century. That
claim was all I knew about controversial philosopher Andy Ross and his
Globorg ideas before I met him. Globorg is his name for the global
organization — G20 summits and all that. In G.O.D. Is Great
he argues that Globorg dominion — the GOD in the title — is the biggest news
for life on Earth in half a billion years.
Global Dominion
The Ross Blog, June 29, 2010
PDF: 3 pages, 89 KB
The G8 and G20 summits have just wound up their latest meetings in Toronto.
No one would say they enact global governance in any politically meaningful
sense, any more than we can say United Nations sessions reflect the general
will of the human community on planet Earth. But, hey, they're a start. We
could do worse. Could we? ... The latest G8 and G20 summits took place in
the former British dominion of Canada. Let future GO summits take place in
the Globorg dominion of planet Earth.
G.O.D. Is Great
How To Build A Global Organism The Ross Blog, June 1, 2010
90 slides, 2.6 MB
Via technology and globalization we are creating an organization
so integrated that it becomes a single living organism — Globorg.
G.O.D. Is Great
How To Build A Global Organism
Ross Verlag, 2010
12.9 x 19.8 cm, 300 pages ISBN 978-1-452-89792-9
Through our efforts to develop new technology and globalize its industrial
application, we humans are working together to create a global organization
so integrated that we become parts of a single living organism. Andy Ross
calls this organism Globorg. Globorg is the natural culmination of
biological evolution on planet Earth. It will embrace humans as living
parts. It will include human history within its own history. We are
building its brain with the infrastructure of the web and cloud services. We
shall identify with Globorg. On a clear day we shall see and act as one.
Globorg will have woken up. But first we need to win the war between science
and religion. Andy Ross proposes a deeper foundation for a new philosophy
life. This book
is a road map from here and now to Globorg. It will open up a new world for
smart and ambitious readers.
Avatars 'R' Us
The Ross Blog, January 27, 2010
PDF: 2 pages, 275 KB
Avatar is now number one worldwide, but not because of its reception by the
critics. Its meticulous technical details and magical alien ecosystem
explain much of its success. Also, the avatar concept tells us something
deep about ourselves.
A Decade of
Consciousness Studies
Imprint Academic,
ISBN 978 184540 185 6
352 pages
Understanding consciousness is one of the central scientific challenges of our
time. This book presents Andy Ross's recent work and discusses a range of
perspectives on the core issues. The chapters are based on texts written for a
variety of occasions and audiences. Reading them in order, one senses a growing
clarity in the articulation of the new ideas, some of which are deep and rather
subtle, and glimpses the outlines of a dynamic field. Ross has taken pains to
unify the collection and make the main thread clearly visible. His new ideas are
of fundamental importance, and readers who grapple with them should gain insight
that amply rewards the effort.
A Strategy For Cost Efficient
Distributed Data Storage For In-Memory OLAP
Olga Mordvinova, Oleksandr Shepil, Thomas Ludwig, and Andrew Ross
Proceedings IADIS International Conference
Applied Computing 2009,
Rome, Italy, November 19-21, 2009, pages 109-117
PDF: 9 pages, 290 KB
Abstract. With the availability of inexpensive blade servers featuring 32 GB
or more of main memory, memory-based engines such as the SAP NetWeaver
Business Warehouse Accelerator are coming into widespread use for online
analytic processing (OLAP) of terabyte data volumes. Data storage for such
engines is often implemented in standard storage technologies like storage
area network (SAN) or network attached storage (NAS) with high hardware
costs. Given the access pattern, storage costs can be reduced by using a
distributed persistence layer based on commodity architecture. We discuss an
example of an in-memory OLAP engine with a focus on storage architecture. We
then present an implementation of a distributed persistence layer that is
optimized for the access pattern of such engines. Finally, we show the
cost-saving potential and discuss the performance impact compared to SAN
On Religion from Sam Harris to Bede Griffiths
Draft preprint, 2009
PDF: 266 pages, 1.1 MB
This book is based on a lot of old blogs about religion
and related themes. The blogs were first posted on the web in 2007 and 2008.
I have added value to my efforts by stitching them together with
interlocutions to form a running conversation and tidying them up
editorially for the record. The result is a web-age reincarnation of a
classical Socratic dialog.
Contents: Introduction, God and Sam Harris, God and Others, God and I, God
and Bede Griffiths, Panpsychism, Panpsychology, References
SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator
SAP Press Essentials 42
260 pages (2008)
ISBN 978-1-59229-192-2
Reading sample: PDF, 41 pages, 3 MB
This SAP PRESS Essentials book is your A-to-Z guide to
understanding, setting up, and operating the SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator.
After summarizing the business case for the BI accelerator and reviewing its
overall impact and architecture, the author provides detailed advice on all
administrative tasks such as: setting up and configuring the system,
building and maintaining the indexes, cloning the software onto new blades,
updating the TREX engine, and much more. A substantial chapter is dedicated
to advanced administration and should boost your confidence if you need to
repair the RFC connection, reorganize the index landscape, check and rebuild
indexes, recover the system from a backup, or collaborate with SAP experts.
A further chapter looks at scalability, new developments, and success
stories, and a final technical chapter introduces the novel technology
behind the BI accelerator.
Reducing Outer Joins
Coauthor: Gerhard Hill
VLDB Journal: The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases,
18(3), 599-610 (2009)
DOI 10.1007/s00778-008-0110-5
Abstract. We present a method for transforming some outer
joins to inner joins and describe a generalized semijoin reduction
technique. The first part of the paper shows how to transform a given outer
join query whose join graph is a tree to an equivalent inner join query. The
method uses derived relations and join predicates. Derived relations contain
columns corresponding to join conditions and may have virtual row
identifiers, rows and attribute values. The constructed inner join query,
after elimination of virtual row identifiers, has the same join tuples as
the outer join query. Both the theoretical maximum number of virtual rows
and the average number in practice are shown to be low. The method confines
consideration of the non-associativity of outer joins to a single step. The
second part of the paper generalizes to outer joins the well known technique
of semijoin reduction of inner joins. It does so by defining the notions of
influencing and needing, and using them to define full reduction and
reduction plans. The technique is applied here to perform one step of the
method presented in the first part. Semijoin reduction is useful in practice
for executing join queries in distributed databases.
Business Beyond Boundaries
From Landscape Visions to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Accelerator
University of Trier, June 16, 2008
PDF: 60 slides, 13.5 MB
Hitting on Consciousness
Honderich Versus McGinn
JCS 15(1), 109-128 (2008)
PDF: 20 pages, 125 KB
Ted Honderich, 74, formerly Grote Professor of the
Philosophy of Mind and Logic at the University of London, recently published
a short book on consciousness (Honderich, 2004). Colin McGinn, 57, his
former colleague at University College London and now a professor of
philosophy at the University of Miami, Florida, reviewed it (McGinn, 2007a).
The review is quite long and detailed, but the first sentences set the tone.
Der Einfluss der Datenverteilung auf die
Performanz eines Data Warehouse
(mit T. Legler, W. Lehner)
12. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und
Web, Aachen (2007)
PDF: 12 pages, 63 KB
Abstract: Dieses Papier befasst sich mit einer Studie über
die Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Anfragen auf verteilten DW-Architekturen
mittels verschiedenartiger Verteilungsstrategien der beteiligten Tabellen am
Beispiel SAP NetWeaver BI.
Will Robots See Humans as Dinosaurs?
JCS 13(12), 97-104 (2006)
PDF: 8 pages, 68 KB
The JCS report on the ASSC10 conference at St Anne’s
College, Oxford, in June 2006, by Claude Pasquini (2006) was delightfully
evocative of a delightful conference. But I was startled to read this dramatic
paragraph ...
Data Mining with the SAP NetWeaver BI
(with T. Legler, W. Lehner)
Proceedings VLDB 2006
PDF: 10 pages, 543 KB
Abstract. The new SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
Accelerator is an engine that supports online analytical processing. It
performs aggregation in memory and in query runtime over large volumes of
structured data. This paper first briefly describes the accelerator and its
main architectural features, and cites test results that indicate its power.
Then it describes in detail how the accelerator may be used for data mining.
The accelerator can perform data mining in the same large repositories of
data and using the same compact index structures that it uses for analytical
processing. A first such implementation of data mining is described and the
results of a performance evaluation are presented. Association rule mining
in a distributed architecture was implemented with a variant of the BUC
iceberg cubing algorithm. Test results suggest that useful online mining
should be possible with wait times of less than 60 seconds on business data
that has not been preprocessed.
Life, the Universe and Everything
September 2006
PDF: 24 slides, 171 KB
Blinded by the Light
Response to de Quincey
JCS 13(4), 32-33 (2006)
PDF: 1 page, 68 KB
Christian de Quincey sees light as a metaphor for
consciousness. He posits a scale of consciousness running from total
darkness to cosmic enlightenment. ...
About Time
January 2006
PDF: 16 pages, 175 KB
Abstract. This essay is an exercise in scientific
metaphysics. Its aim is to sketch a unified account of time that both works
in modern physics and makes sense in psychology. The raw materials for the
sketch come from elementary logic and set theory. The experience of time
flow is seen as a direct manifestation of a fundamental physical process.
The ontology and epistemology of this experience can provide a foundation
for psychology. If the physical sciences in their present form depict "the
view from nowhere" onto reality, the new foundation can depict the view from
Speed, Scalability and Flexibility All at Once
SAP Insider, 4 (2005)
PDF: 4 pages, 583 KB
SAP NetWeaver 2004s Business Intelligence (BI) is faster
than ever before, accelerated by a massively boosted capability for high
performance analytics (HPA) humming behind the familiar BI frontends. ...
Roads to Reality
Penrose and Wolfram Compared
JCS 12(2), 78-83 (2005)
PDF: 6 pages, 65 KB
Sir Roger Penrose, retired professor of mathematics at the
University of Oxford and collaborator with Stephen Hawking on black hole
theory, has written 'a complete guide to the laws of the universe' called
The Road to Reality. ...
Consciousness and Related Studies
Ross (2004)
Consciousness is hard to understand. The ongoing attempt
to understand it is perhaps the central scientific challenge of our time.
The 1990s were dubbed the Decade of the Brain, and we made huge advances,
but the core mystery of consciousness remains. As a young student of
scientific philosophy, I had a lot of deep ideas about how the mind related
to reality but lacked the patience to follow them through. Despairing of the
glacial tempo of academic life and the pompous
opacity of its rituals, I chose to cut loose for a while and decided fiction
was a valid vehicle for thinking out loud. Over the last decade, I have
learned to appreciate anew the value of more method in the scientific study
of consciousness. This book is primarily a presentation of work in progress,
but also a log of my return to science.
Purpose in Life and Science
The Power of Purpose Awards
May 2004
PDF: 4 pages, 110 KB
As I look at my face in the bathroom mirror, I see an
uneven pulp of ageing flesh around two beady eyes. My stare becomes hypnotic
and the flesh seems to melt. I see a spectral zombie face shimmering behind
two black holes. The holes glaze over and I get dizzy. Who am I, where is
this, why does it go on? ...
Business at the Speed of Evolution
Internal Auditing and Business Risk 27(12), 12 (2003)
PDF: 1 page, 64 KB
If internal auditors and chief executives only assess IT
projects by their impact on the bottom line, they are missing the point.
Andy Ross explains how a new world view is needed to see the full picture.
A Photonic Theory of Consciousness
Prague, Czech Republic, July 2003
PDF: 60 slides, 3.3 MB
The Self: From Soul to Brain
A New York Academy of Sciences Conference
JCS 10(2), 67-85 (2003)
PDF: 19 pages, 104 KB
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine is an imposing monument
to the wealth and power of scientific medicine. Set on its own block in
upper Manhattan, its rhetorical centre is the Stern Auditorium. Here, just
over a year after 9/11, a group of gurus and self-seekers assembled to confer
on the nature of the self. I was there too, looking for help in constructing
a grand unified theory of soul and brain. ...
First-Person Consciousness
Honderich and McGinn Reviewed
JCS 9(7), 55-82 (2002)
PDF: 28 pages, 191 KB
A nice everyday conception of consciousness is as
autobiography. Ongoing experience is stored and restructured as a personal
narrative, and consciousness is the generic mental state that accompanies
this lifelong cognitive activity. On the higher scale of human cultural
achievement, the literary form of autobiography brings this form of
consciousness to a natural zenith. From this perspective, it is a happy
coincidence that two distinguished philosophers of consciousness have
recently published philosophical autobiographies. ...
How Set Theory and Quantum Physics Can Give Us a Scientific Concept of Consciousness
Tucson, Arizona, April 8-12, 2002
PDF: 40 slides, 3.5 MB
How Set Theory and Quantum Physics Can Give Us a Scientific Concept of Consciousness
March 2002
PDF: 162 slides, 7 MB
The Miph of Consciousness
The Mathematics, Informatics, and Physics of Consciousness and Its Place in Nature
Skövde, Sweden, August 7-11, 2001
PDF: 85 slides, 2 MB
Consciousness: A Logical Model
Consciousness is not personal but subjective. The subject structures an input stream
of qualia into a dynamic unity. The unity synthesizes an evolving series of centered
virtual worlds that represent pairwise contradictory epistemic and ontic states. Each
world is symmetric relative to alternative possible successors. The proposed model is
platform independent and can support personal identity.
Tucson, Arizona, April 10-15, 2000
PDF: 28 pages, 227 KB
Birth of a New God
Ross (1996)
Paperback,15.6 cm x 23.4 cm, 432 pages
We are not alone. And we are not the end of the line.
Aliens from other star systems will find us one day. And our own machines
will one day overtake us. Or both — at once.
Jon Christie knew this.
Androids and aliens didn't faze a computer jock with a CIA past. But even he
was unprepared for the sudden, combined impact of these threats when he
traveled to Japan in the summer of 2013 ...
The Globall Hyperatlas
A Development Proposal
The Visual Computer 8, 1-7 (1991)
PDF: 7 pages, 705 KB
Abstract. A future hardware system designed to support an
interactive geographic database is outlined. The basic system is intended
for domestic and educational use and extensions of the system are foreseen
as serving a wide variety of professional users. The main physical and
functional parameters of the system are presented. Possible problems are
indicated and development goals are suggested. The aim of the paper is to
initiate a detailed and informed discussion about how such a system may be